Bring up a menu of many core functions
- /
Search the database
- Ctrl
- U
Jump back to page after search
- Ctrl
- Enter
Search on the current page
- Ctrl
- F
Open a new page created in search in the sidebar
- Shift
- Enter
Jump to the Daily Notes page
- Ctrl
- Shift
- D
Open link in sidebar
- Shift
- (click)
Toggle brackets
- Ctrl
- B
Lists and Blocks
Indent block
- Tab
Un-indent block
- Shift
- Tab
Move block up
- Ctrl
- Shift
- Up
Move block down
- Ctrl
- Shift
- Down
Create a new block, bullet point
- Enter
Create a TODO checkbox
- Ctrl
- Enter
Create a new line inside of a block
- Shift
- Enter
- Ctrl
- Z
- Ctrl
- Shift
- Z
Zoom in, show only the current block enlarged
- Ctrl
- .
Zoom out, restores the normal view
- Ctrl
- ,
Follow link under cursor, when editing a block
- Ctrl
- O
Open a link under cursor in the sidebar
- Ctrl
- Shift
- O
Collapse all child blocks under the current block
- Ctrl
- Up
Expand all child blocks under the current block
- Ctrl
- Down
Select the block above where the cursor is placed
- Shift
- Up
Select the block below where the cursor is placed
- Shift
- Down
Select all blocks
- Ctrl
- Shift
- A
Jump to the beginning of the current block
- Ctrl
- A
Jump to the end of the current block
- Ctrl
- E
Move one character to the right
- Ctrl
- F
Move one character to the left
- Ctrl
- B
Swap all characters on either side of the cursor
- Ctrl
- T
Show avatar of the last user to edit the block
- Ctrl
- C
- Ctrl
- X
Version Control
Add a version
- Ctrl
- ,
Cycle versions to the right
- Ctrl
- Shift
- .
Cycle versions to the left
- Ctrl
- Shift
- ,
Expand all versions, all versions will appear in their own blocks
- Ctrl
- .
Toggle between heading styles
- Ctrl
- Alt
- 1-3
Reset heading, or set to paragraph
- Ctrl
- Alt
- 0
Toggle TODO or DONE
- Ctrl
- Enter
- Ctrl
- B
- Ctrl
- I
Create an HTML link
- Ctrl
- K
- Ctrl
- Y
- Ctrl
- H
Create an inline block of code
- `