Dropbox Website
Move between files or folders
- Up/Down
Open a file or folder
- Enter
Search through files and folders
- /
Dropbox Desktop App
- Ctrl
- B
- Ctrl
- I
- Ctrl
- Alt
- S
Create a link
- Ctrl
- K
Create a to-do list
- -
- Space
Create a bulleted list
- -
- -
- Space
Create a numbered list
- 1
- Space
Mentioned someone
- @
Move between files and folders in the expanded preview
- Left/Right
Move to the next or previous page within a PDF or PPT file in the expanded preview
- Up/Down
Move to next or previous page within a PDF or PPT file in the expanded preview
- PgUp/PgDown
Move to first or last page within a PDF or PPT file in the expanded preview
- Home/End
Zoom in while in the expanded preview
- Ctrl
- +
Zoom out in the expanded preview
- Ctrl
- -
Zoom back to 100% in the expanded preview
- Ctrl
- 0